Saturday, December 31, 2016


Today I was learning about cyberbullying. Below is a task where we had to write some questions to help people think about the steps they would take.

My Answers

I think cyberbullies bully people because they just want to make fun of them

If you are using a simple password, it is easy to guess. To stop people stealing your password, you need to make your account private and only make your real friends view your account and dont tell them your password.

Cyberbullying can hurt people and make them embarrassed and sad

You can talk to your teacher or adults like your parents.

My Blog tour

This is my blog tour

I have created a blog tour and I tried very hard to speak loudly and to look at the camera
next learning steps = I will be brave as, look at the camera and to speak loudly

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Today I was learning about cyberbullying. Below is a task where we had to write some questions to help people think about the steps they would take.

My Answers

I think cyberbullies bully people because they just want to make fun of them

If you are using a simple password, it is easy to guess. To stop people stealing your password, you need to make your account private and only make your real friends view your account and dont tell them your password.

Cyberbullying can hurt people and make them embarrassed and sad

You can talk to your teacher or adults like your parents.

Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Thursday, June 30, 2016

Maths Challenge

Maths Challenge 

I am thinking of a number less than 50.If you divide it by 5 and you will have a remainder of 3.What is my number?How many possible answers can there be.

Put your answers in the comments

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Sorry letter to Mr Hopkins

Dear James

I’m really sorry.That my class was being really disrespectful to you when you were talking.When you comeback my class WILL be respectful to you when you are talking to us.
Thank you James for all you teach us about being cybersmart.
Kind regards


Sunday, May 29, 2016

Whacky Wolf

The Wacky Wolf
Whacky Wolf tried to be really scary, but he wasn't. He wasn’t scary because everyone didn’t take him seriously. Whacky Wolf studied, read books, used his head and  practised roaring. One day Whacky Wolf went up to a cute bunny and “ROARED”!! And then the little bunny started to cry. Whacky started laughing he said “HAHA!!” I scared you and then the bunny said “no you didn't i'm crying because MY STOMACH HURTS”. Whacky Wolf had stopped scaring everyone and he gave the cute bunny a big hug. Whacky Wolf wasn't scary because he doesn't have long  sharp teeth like the other scary animals. he also wasn’t scary because he is always nice to  everyone, he always smiles to everyone, he has enormous big eyes and he has smelly stinky breath.

Image result for wacky wolf
The End !!!

Sunday, March 13, 2016


Our value this term is
What does this look like?
  • Help someone that is hurt.
  • Sharing
  • Helping new people
  • Thank you
  • Please
  • Excuse me
  • Hand and feet to yourself
  • Whenever your borrowing something give it back
  • Respect the property that you are using
Prayer Time
  • Look and listen to the person who is praying
  • Keep silent until it’s your turn to prey
  • Concentrate on praying when is prayer time

Smart decisions by Isaiah

My duality map by Isaiah

Run- tamo’e
Field - Malae ta’alo

R.E Lent


I like sport
Good at rugby
I like playing soccer
I like maths
Good  reader
I pray
I go to church
Care for others
Good at videogames
Like playing with friends
By Isaiah